Uttar Pradesh NEET 2019 Seat Allotment has been released. It is organized by the Directorate General of Medical Education and Training, UP under the State Government. The authority conducts the counseling for 85% quota seats in the state medical and dental colleges. Candidates can apply for counseling to get admission in various government and private medical/dental colleges and universities in MBBS/BDS courses.
The counseling will be organized via online mode only from 21st June 2019. Candidates have to register on the respective website to be eligible for the counseling and submit the fee. The registration fee will be Rs. 2000/-. The last date to register for counseling is till 24th June 2019.
The concerned authority will publish the state merit list for the candidates that are selected for the counseling. The seats will be allotted to the candidates as per the ranks obtained by them and cut-off set for the state counseling.
For every round of the counseling, the authority will publish the fresh merit list. The counseling procedure will be followed by the registration, choice filling and seat allotment result.
The candidates those are going to participate in UP MBBS/BDS counselling 2019 can check here the complete schedule for online counselling:
Events | Dates 2019 |
Online registration | 21st June to 24th June |
Merit list release | 25th June 2019 |
Document verification | 26th – 30th June 2019 |
choice filling | 2nd – 4th July 2019 |
Seat allotment result declare | 5th July 2019 |
Downloading of allotment letter | 6th – 11th July 2019 |
Date of admission | 8th – 12th July 2019 |
Choice filling window (2nd round) | 2nd week of August |
Seat allotment release | 2nd week of August |
Admission letter download | 3rd week of August |
Reporting window | 3rd week of August |
Candidates can check here the complete procedure for participating in the counseling. The online counseling is conducted by the National Informatics Center (NIC), Lucknow.
There will be some seats will be reserved for the reserve category candidates in each medical and dental college. The percentage of reserve seats are as follows:
Category | % age |
Schedule Caste (SC) | 21% |
Schedule Tribe (ST) | 02% |
OBC | 27% |
Wards of Freedom Fighters | 02% |
Son/Daughter of Ex-Serviceman | 02% |
PH candidates | 03% |
Female Candidates | 20% |
NCC Certificate Holders | 01% |
Candidates have to verify their documents at the time of reporting to the allotted college. If any candidates will find to be mutilated with the admission rule, their admission will be canceled.