Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia- MBBS in Russia


Peoples’ Friendship University (PFU) was founded on 5 February 1960 by the USSR Government. On 22 February 1961, the University was named after Patrice Lumumba — one of the symbols of the African peoples’ fight for independence. It is the only university in the world every year uniting students from 145-150 countries. More than 77 thousand graduates of the University work in 170 countries, among them more than 5500 holders of PhD and Doctorate degrees. It has a team of 4,500 employees, among them 2,826 highly qualified teachers.



  • Faculty of Agrarian
  • Faculty of Humanitarian and social sciences
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of the Russian language and general educational disciplines
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Science
  • Philological Faculty
  • Ecological Faculty
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Institute of Hospitality business and tourism
  • Institute of foreign languages
  • Institute of international programs
  • Institute of World economy and business
  • Institute of Medico-Biological Problems


Tuition Fee 1st Year 2nd-6th Year Total Fee
Per Year 9050 USD
(588250 INR approx)
9050 $ x 5= 45250 USD
(2941250 INR approx)
54300 USD
(3529500 INR approx)
Package 633,500 3,167,500 3,801,000‬ INR

* USD=INR (approx for calculation) Actual rate at the time of fees payment will be calculated.


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