Kursk State Medical University

MBBS in Russia- Kursk State Medical University


Kursk State Medical University is a Russian Government University of higher professional education and ministry of health and social medicine. Established in 1935, Kursk State Medical University is ranked as one of the top 10 best Russian Medical Universities. Among its many achievements, KSMU was the first University in Russia to offer students a full Medical training program in the English language. The mission of the university is oriented to profound knowledge of human health, medical science development and health care practice improvement. Teachers, students, interns, postgraduates and doctoral students are a part of intellectual, professional and cultural elite. Their professionalism is based only on the prestige of knowledge, skills, competence, spirituality, morality, patriotism, general and personal culture and responsible discipline.



  • Faculty of International Students
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Pharmaceutical Faculty
  • Stomatology Faculty
  • Pediatric Faculty
  • Higher Nursing Faculty
  • Medico Prevention Faculty


Tuition Fee 1st Year 2nd-6th Year Total Fee
Per Year 6550 USD
(425750 INR approx)
6200 $ x 5= 31000 USD
(2015000 INR approx)
37550 USD
(2440750 INR approx)
Package 458,500 2,628,500‬ INR

* USD=INR (approx for calculation) Actual rate at the time of fees payment will be calculated.


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