BK Birla Centre for Education provides best residential facilities in Pune to its students. The five hostel blocks namely Banyan House, Oak House, Peepul House, Pine House and Teak House, can accommodate 108 to 144 students each.
Each hostel block is a two-storeyed structure housing dormitories or residential flats, common rooms and a study room. Every floor has two teachers acting as a resident house parent who is responsible for the resident students and hostel administration.
The house parent takes care of the general well-being of the students and ensures the smooth management of the hostel. Every dormitory or room is equipped with a study table and a wardrobe for students. Linen at the hostel is changed regularly, with a laundry facility available twice a week.
Banyan House is the girl’s hostel that is under the vigilant eyes of house mistress and other lady caretakers. There are about 44 girls in the hostel at present, though it has the capacity to accommodate double the number. No male acquaintance are allowed into Banyan House. In case of an emergency, the Principal or male medical staff are to be accompanied by two female staff.
All the hostels have a dormitory system of residence. The Pine and Teak Houses, where students of class X to XII reside, having twin-sharing rooms.