Chhattisgarh NEET 2019 Seat Allotment has been released. The complete counseling procedure is monitored by the Directorate of Medical Education, Raipur. The counseling is conducted on the basis of NEET UG entrance examination. The admission is offered in the MBBS/BDS bachelor degree state private and government medical/dental colleges. There is no state-level entrance examination is conducted to offer admission. For complete information about Chhattisgarh NEET 2019 counseling, candidates should go through below.
The counseling is conducted through online mode. As per the registration of the candidates, the authority publishes the merit list of the selected candidates. The complete information regarding online counseling and schedule has been published on the website.
Candidates have to log in on the website and should register themselves for the counseling. Candidates have to pay Rs. 1000/- (for all categories) as a counseling fee.
The counseling has been started after the completion of 15% All India Quota counseling. The counselling is conducted on various rounds according to the availability of seats after each phase of counselling.
The schedule for NEET 2019 counseling in Chhattisgarh is given below.
Events | Dates |
Online registration, choice filling and locking | 21st June 2019 |
Last Date for Registration | 27th June 2019 |
Publication of merit list | Fourth week of July |
Result of allotment | Fourth week of July |
Reporting to the allotted institution | Till the last week of July |
Online reporting of admission | Register within 24 hours of the candidate’s admission time |
The admission/counseling procedure is followed by the given below procedure:
Document Verification:
Choice Filling & Locking:
Seat Allotment:
The reservation in the state of Chhattisgarh is applicable as per the norms and policy of the state government. Candidates are instructed to keep ready their relevant certificates in support of claiming the reservation. However, the reservation criteria will be published along with the admission information brochure for each participating institutions.
Candidates have to bring two phtocopies of the given documents.